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Crimes for Great Britain, Boston, San Francisco, Philly, Baton Rouge, Chicago, and Las Vegas.

API: accessible via an variety of methods described in detail here.

Format: GeoJSON

Database: Cloudant

Update schedule: Nightly

Points of Interest

A global POI data set harvested from OpenStreetMap in late 2016.

API: accessible via an variety of methods described in detail here.

Format: GeoJSON

Database: Cloudant

Update schedule: TBD


A usage log from our cognitive event finder chatbot demo used at South by Southwest 2017. Described in this blog.

API: raw Cloudant access via

Format: GeoJSON

Database: Cloudant

Update schedule: n/a

US Demographic data 2014

Demographic data from the US Census American Community Survey 2014 publication.

API: Raw data access via this service

Format: CSV

Database: IBM Object Storage

Update schedule: n/a

US Presidential Election 2016

Election results and demographic data in CSV files.

API: Raw data access via this service

Format: CSV

Database: IBM Object Storage

US Congressional districts

For the 114th Congress.

API: Raw Cloudant access via

Format: GeoJSON

Database: Cloudant

Update schedule: n/a

US Zip codes

API: Raw Cloudant access via

Format: GeoJSON

Database: Cloudant

Update schedule: n/a

Million dollar home sales

3 months of home sales in northeastern Massachusetts, downloaded January 27, 2017. Data acquired from Redfin, a national real estate brokerage.

API: CSV via GitHub or GeoJSON via GitHub

Format: GeoJSON or CSV

Database: none

Update schedule: n/a

US Cars

Performance characteristics of selected US car models from 1970 to 1982.

API: GitHub

Format: GeoJSON or CSV

Database: none

Update schedule: n/a

World Cities

API: GitHub

Format: GeoJSON

Database: none

Update schedule: n/a


595 select movies

API: GitHub

Format: TSV

Database: none

Update schedule: n/a