Partners + Data
Respect the ecosystem.
We know that key parts of your business run on services not built on the IBM cloud — at least not yet. We’re working to ensure that the IBM cloud integrates with and enhances the technology you already love, because your business runs on an ecosystem of services, each providing its own unique value.
The search for intelligent life, crunching data courtesy of the IBM Cloud.
4 projects | View Collection -
Analyzing Data with IBM Cloud SQL Query
Medium | NotebookEasily make SQL queries on your object storage data.
Building an API Cache with Redis and Node
GitHub | MediumHow to optimize API usage in a college search example application.
Mapping the Songs of Bruce Springsteen
GitHub | MediumAnalysing geospatial references in The Boss’s lyrics using data science notebooks and Node.js.
A.I. for E.T.
Medium | GitHubUsing Watson Data Platform, we've built a citizen scientist project to apply deep learning to improve the state of the art in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) research.
Got Zip Code Data? Prep It for Analytics.
Medium | datasetUsing fine-grained U.S. Census data and Jupyter Notebooks to better understand your customers.
Defensive IBM Object Storage Containers
MediumHow to prevent accidental writes when collaborating on data analysis.
Mapping for Data Science with PixieDust and Mapbox
Notebook | MediumAdd another layer to your Jupyter notebooks with built-in map rendering.
GitHubLocal visibility to mitigate business disruption in emerging economies.
Simulating E.T. Radio Signals
MediumHow to insert individual files into object storage from within a map function in Apache Spark.
Voice of InterConnect
GitHub | Medium | demo | otherProof that Progressive Web Apps can do some serious analysis.
Navigating SXSW via Cognitive Chatbot
GitHub | MediumA smarter conference event recommendation system using Watson services and Mapbox.
SETI@IBMCloud: SETI data, publicly available, from IBM
GitHub | dataset | developerWorksRaw data from the SETI Institute for you to crunch in the search for extraterrestrial life.